Indexing - significado y definición. Qué es Indexing
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Qué (quién) es Indexing - definición

Indice; Indices; Indexing; Index (computer science); Index (mathematics); Indexes; The Index; Indexed; Index form; Index (disambiguation); User:Incnis Mrsi/External index; Index (information technology); Index (algebra); Types of indices; U+0084

· & ·vb.n. of Index.
noun (of a machine or part) move from one predetermined position to another to carry out a sequence of operations.
Indexing (motion)         
Indexing in reference to motion is moving (or being moved) into a new position or location quickly and easily but also precisely. When indexing a machine part, its new location is known to within a few hundredths of a millimeter (thousandths of an inch), or often even to within a few thousandths of a millimeter (ten-thousandths of an inch), despite the fact that no elaborate measuring or layout was needed to establish that location.



Index (or its plural form indices) may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para Indexing
1. of indexing.
The Simple Path to Wealth _ JL Collins _ Talks at Google
2. embraces indexing?
The Simple Path to Wealth _ JL Collins _ Talks at Google
3. discovered indexing earlier.
The Simple Path to Wealth _ JL Collins _ Talks at Google
4. and indexing came along.
Value Investing Principles & Approach _ Bill Nygren _ Talks at Google
5. square brackets, the squad indexing,
Dyalog Modern Programming Language _ Morten Kromberg _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de Indexing
1. "The minimum wage indexing is especially troubling," he said.
2. A particular problem, Dr Abrahams added, was indexing the rock band the The.
3. Other proposals, including progressive indexing of accounts, have also drawn mixed reaction.
4. Bush suggests would favor indexing retirement benefits WASHINGTON (Reuters) – President George W.
5. They say the chancellor was never against the idea of indexing the state pension to earnings in principle.